- Woke up this morning at 4:00 a.m.
- Started working on my novel.
- Got stuck.
- Hit by the painful realization that I'm not very much fun.
- Decided to start a blog.
Yes, I know that funner is not a real word. But it is a lively word, one that makes me think of childhood, a time when you could jump up and down and holler out pretty much whatever you wanted and people thought it was cute. Life was more funner then, before we knew about the word responsibility.
The above paragraph is the perfect example of "telling not showing" a writerly no-no, especially when writing fiction. Writing non-fiction is much easier because you can just tell, tell, tell. I'm trying to teach myself how to "show" but since my day job is all about telling, the brain switch each morning is a challenge.
No, I'm not a school teacher. I would never be able to stand all that noise. I prefer the quieter pursuit of non-fiction writing to earn a living. Just me and my computer.
Like I said - boring.
Dictionaries: How do you look up a word if you don't know how to spell it?
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